Monday, July 7, 2014

Arts and crafts

After years of messy rooms and lots of cleaning up once our painting or drawing session has ended, I finally realized the importance of keeping things tidy, organized, easy to reach and move from one room to another :)
I highly recommend keeping your tools ready to be used. I have different baskets for different types of activities: a basket for stamps and ink, one for beads, one for glitter, one for tempera and brushes and so on. Boxes of stickers, foam shapes, different types of paper, etc. All the little boxes you can sort of see in the photos are taken from things I already had at home. The ones where I keep the blue and red crystals (great for counting, board games, patterns, and so on) are old muffin cases containers. I even found very small colorful clothespin, tongs and old muffin or ice cubes trays and molds very useful when it comes to teaching.

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